Frisk & Ken Ganfield

Freejazz improvisation, jazzcore with noise elements and and pinch of finno-ugric folk. Pardubice trio FRISK hold onto shape and structure of loose compositions in attempt not to dissappear in a massive noise avalanche. Cracked drums of Vít Hoiger, solid shield of saxophone by Zdeněk Závodný and František Václavík's guitar hitting around a as huge electro-mace Meanwhile, Ken Ganfield, Prague based American sound experimentator and improviser is much more precise and delicate, almost in surgical way. During his shows he's working mostly with modular synthetisers, creating aleatory composition of different sound and styles. He is also well known as a passionate and a bit mysterious collector of all kinds of electronic widgets, home made gadgets and suprising hacks. Therefore the crucial question before the show begin is: what he has brought for tonight?

Vít Hoigr // drums
Zdeněk Závodný // saxophone
František Václavík // guitar
Ken Ganfield // electronics